Who am I?
I suppose you would like to know more about me, right? Well, allow me to introduce myself! As you may have guessed, I go by Reading, and it has been my handle for a while now. You may ask why I don’t share my real name. Well, I believe in anonymity and privacy online first and foremost. Since this is a personal blog, I don’t think there’s a need. Although, if you would like to know my real name, get in contact, and I will happily let you know!
So, where were we? Ah, yes, I’m currently getting certified in Technical Writing and would love to make it my career, hopefully. I currently reside in the States, specifically Florida, which is nice for now, but I don’t have much interest in it other than some family. I don’t travel much as of now, but I would like to change that and visit Japan! One of my biggest dreams is rummaging through Akihabara for tech and video game goodies!
As you can see, I have a huge passion for tech and, well… writing! I kind of have to, having a blog and all, but other than this project, I like to dabble in fiction and have so many ideas floating through my head. Unfortunately, none of them have landed on paper yet! (^▽^;)
I do hope to change that soon! I have a concept that I’m working on, and I’m hoping to get the first chapter out soon.
What else? Ah, hobbies! Most of my hobbies are pretty common if it wasn’t already obvious. Gaming is one of them, usually RPGs, but I do play other genres as well when the mood strikes. If I’m not gaming, I’m reading. Get it? Bad joke aside, I usually gravitate toward nonfiction when it comes to books, even though I write fiction. Weird, right? I do, however, avidly read manga. I watch TV like most people, usually YouTube or anime. When I’m not doing either of those, I’m either writing a post or, more reasonably, tinkering or building a Gunpla kit!
About the Site
The website you’re currently on! Joking aside, I created this blog/digital garden to have a place on the interwebs of my very own.
Having my own place online that I decide every aspect of is incredibly valuable to me, and I implore you to spin off your own! We can always use more blogs! But I digress!
I wanted for a long time to try blogging; I just never got around to it until recently. I love writing, and writing about my interests and hobbies is incredibly cathartic. I have come to enjoy the act of it by itself! But I find it incredibly rewarding that others enjoy reading it as well!
This was and still is a fun web dev project for me. I recently learned the fundamentals and wanted a way to apply them, so this worked perfectly! I will keep constantly updating and revamping this site as I slowly get better at web development. I can’t wait to see how much has changed in a few years!
With that said, this blog focuses on a variety of topics instead of just one, hence the name; The Reading Dimension. I think it fits quite well! Everything you need to know is on the tin like it should.
So what can you expect on your feed? I mostly write about tech and post hopefully helpful guides. Well, not as much as I would like. I do write about my favorite video games and do reviews. I plan to talk about anime and manga as well, and I would like to try doing some Gunpla reviews or show some of my builds. Occasionally, you may see one of my more general posts slip by too.
So if you like what you see, head over to my RSS feed! I try to post monthly but may sometimes post more if the mood strikes.
Get in Touch!
The best way to get in touch with me is via email. I would highly appreciate it if you do! (•‿•)