
Finally Moved Over To Jekyll Chirpy!

After much deliberation on my part and messing around with different themes, I finally decided to go with the Jekyll Chirpy theme!

After much deliberation on my part and messing around with different themes, I finally decided to go with the Jekyll Chirpy theme! I’ve been planning to move to a new theme for a while now, as I mentioned a while back.

But I finally found something that ticks most of my checkboxes! There’s still a lot more to do, but Chirpy by default supplies most of what I need and a few extra bonuses like PWA support right out of the box!

Expect more additions later down the line, like a Uses page and a backlog page to keep track of what I watch, listen to, read, and play. But for now, I’m happy with just finally moving over!

Anyways, I hope you all have a great holiday season! .。❅⋆⍋∞。∞⍋⋆❅。.

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