Taking a Small Break
So hey! How have you been? I'm being good these couple of months, and luckily my health has not stagnated since I got sick mid-year.
So hey! How have you been? I’m being good these couple of months, and luckily my health has not stagnated since I got sick mid-year.
Anyway, to keep this brief, I’m taking a small break from posting again. Unfortunately, the post that I have been working on has dragged on, and I’m not feeling it anymore, so I thrashed it.
That post was supposed to be out on Halloween, which was perfectly fitting for the media I was talking about, but that didn’t work out, and so it got delayed until finally being binned.
The holidays have not made that any easier, so I decided to take a small break from my usual monthly posting. I hate taking these breaks, but that is what needs to happen.
But not to worry! I’m making up for it, but I have not one but two posts out this December!
One of them is a surprise, but the other and more important one is finally my review of my game of the year, Fire Emblem Engage, which is not that surprising since this blog is full of Engage flair!
I’m very excited to get that review out there! Thought late, but better than never! Is going to be a big one, my biggest post yet, and is going to be a small Christmas present from me, dropping the 25th!
I’m hoping you all enjoy it and leave your feedback. This is a work of love, so it would be highly appreciated!
For now, I’m going to enjoy my holidays, and I hope you enjoy yours as well!
See you soon!